The Central Ukrainian Institute of Human Development of the University “Ukraine” is a classic educational institution. It means that there are many different directions and specialties including law, physical therapy, publishing, economics and management etc. The new specialties are coming all the time.
The main goal is to provide high quality high education services to all people especially to disabled through modern education technologies implementation. The Central Ukrainian Institute of Human Development of the University “Ukraine” is the first one and unique who has opened the doors for all people including disabled trying to decide their social rehabilitation problem in integrated educational environment. Now the 6% of students with different physical problems are studying in the intitute. It is interesting to note that all educational institutions in Ukraine has about 0,4% of disabled students in average.
The Central Ukrainian Institute of Human Development of the University “Ukraine” teaching staff consists of the teachers who have significant scientific researches, and teachers who have practical experience in different fields.
The main goal of the Central Ukrainian Institute of Human Development of the University “Ukraine” is to provide high quality higher education services to all people especially to disabled and poor.